2013-5-8 Collaborate for free with online versions of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and OneNote. Save documents, spreadsheets, and presentations online, in OneDrive. With an annual purchase of Office 365 you get 1 TB (1000 GB) of storage space, in addition to Microsoft's Office Suite of Work, Excel, PowerPoint, One Note, and Outlook Mail. It can be installed on a single home computer PLUS one Tablet, and includes free upgrade for the entire year.
-->Office Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 是一种事件驱动编程语言, 使您能够扩展 Office 应用程序。Office Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is an event-driven programming language that enables you to extend Office applications.
此参考适用于希望了解 VBA 以及希望深入了解编程如何帮助他们自定义 Office 的有经验的 Office 用户。This reference is for experienced Office users who want to learn about VBA and who want some insight into how programming can help them to customize Office.
Office 应用程序套件具有一组完整的功能。The Office suite of applications has a full set of features.可通过多种不同的方法对文档、电子邮件、数据库、表单、电子表格和演示文稿进行创作、格式设置和操纵。There are many different ways to author, format, and manipulate documents, email, databases, forms, spreadsheets, and presentations.
Office 编程的强大功能是, 几乎所有可以使用鼠标、键盘或对话框执行的操作也可以通过使用 VBA 自动进行。The great power of VBA programming in Office is that nearly every operation that you can perform with a mouse, keyboard, or a dialog box can also be automated by using VBA.此外,若某个操作可以使用 VBA 执行一次,则可以同样轻松地执行该操作一百次。Further, if it can be done once with VBA, it can be done just as easily a hundred times.事实上, 重复任务的自动化是 Office 中 VBA 最常见的用途之一。In fact, the automation of repetitive tasks is one of the most common uses of VBA in Office.
除了可通过编写 VBA 脚本来加速执行日常任务外,还可以使用 VBA 为 Office 应用程序添加新功能,或以特定于业务需要的方式来提示文档用户并与之交互。Beyond the power of scripting VBA to accelerate every-day tasks, you can use VBA to add new functionality to Office applications or to prompt and interact with the user of your documents in ways that are specific to your business needs.例如,可以编写一些 VBA 代码,使其在用户首次尝试保存文档时显示一个弹出消息,提醒用户将文档保存到特定网络驱动器上。For example, you could write some VBA code that displays a pop up message that reminds users to save a document to a particular network drive the first time they try to save it.
有关于 Office VBA 或本文档的疑问或反馈?Have questions or feedback about Office VBA or this documentation?请参阅 Office VBA 支持和反馈,获取有关如何接收支持和提供反馈的指南。Please see Office VBA support and feedback for guidance about the ways you can receive support and provide feedback.
Today, we are announcing the general availability of Office 2019 for Windows and Mac. Office 2019 is the next on-premises version of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Project, Visio, Access, and Publisher.
Office 365 ProPlus is the most productive and most secure Office experience for enterprises.
Learn moreOffice 365 ProPlus, the cloud-connected version of Office, delivers the most productive and most secure Office experience—with the lowest total cost of ownership for deployment and management. However, for customers who aren’t ready for the cloud, Office 2019 provides new features and updates to the on-premises apps for both users and IT professionals. Like Windows Long Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) releases, Office 2019 provides a set of valuable enhancements for customers who can’t be cloud-connected or receive regular updates.
The new enhancements in Office 2019 are a subset of a long list of features that have been added to Office 365 ProPlus over the last three years. Office 2019 is a one-time release and won’t receive future feature updates. However, we’ll continue to add new features to Office 365 ProPlus monthly, including innovations in collaboration, artificial intelligence (AI), security, and more.
Office 2019 delivers features across apps to help users create amazing content in less time. In PowerPoint 2019, you can create cinematic presentations with new features like Morph and Zoom. And improved inking features across the apps in Windows—like the roaming pencil case, pressure sensitivity, and tilt effects—allow you to naturally create documents.
Excel 2019 adds powerful new data analysis features, including new formulas and charts and enhancements to PowerPivot.
Word 2019 and Outlook 2019 help you focus on what matters most. Learning Tools, like Read Aloud and Text Spacing, make it easier to engage with your content. Focus Mode blocks out distractions and puts your content front and center. And Focused Inbox moves less important emails out of the way—so you can get straight to taking care of business. For a longer list of the new features in Office 2019, see our FAQs.
Office 2019 also includes new IT value for enhanced security and streamlined administration. We introduced Click-to-Run (C2R), a modern deployment technology, in Office 2013, and it’s now used to deploy and update Office across hundreds of millions of devices worldwide. With Office 2019, we’re moving the on-premises versions of Office to C2R to reduce costs and improve security. The advantages of C2R include predictable monthly security updates, up-to-date apps on installation, reduced network consumption through Windows 10 download optimization technology, and an easy upgrade path to Office 365 ProPlus. C2R offers the same enterprise-focused management capabilities as Microsoft Installer (MSI) based products and will also support an in-place upgrade when you move to Office 2019 from older MSI-based products. To learn more, refer to the Office 2019 Click-to-Run FAQ.
The 2019 release of Office products also includes updates to our servers, and in the coming weeks, we will release Exchange Server 2019, Skype for Business Server 2019, SharePoint Server 2019, and Project Server 2019.
Office 2019 is a valuable update for customers who aren’t yet ready for the cloud. And each time we release a new on-premises version of Office, customers ask us if this will be our last. We’re pleased to confirm that we’re committed to another on-premises release in the future. While the cloud offers real benefits in productivity, security, and total cost of ownership, we recognize that each customer is at a different point in their adoption of cloud services. We see the on-premises version of Office as an important part of our commitment to give customers the flexibility they need to move to the cloud at their own pace.