1. Mac Microsoft Underlined
  2. Underline Latex

How to replace underline with italic in word?

This tool generates underlined text (like t̲h̲i̲s̲ or t̳h̳i̳s̳) using unicode characters. Underline (also known as underscore) text is often used to emphasize a word or phrase within a sentence. This style can be used to simulate the look of an HTML link. Additionally, underline can denote the title of a story or poem. Hold down the Shift key and use the arrow, Home and End keys or the mouse to highlight the text you want to underline. Press Control-U or Command-U to apply the underline. Hit Escape or an arrow key to remove the highlight without accidentally erasing the block of text.

In some circumstances, you may need to replace all underline characters with italic or vice reserve in word. How could you quickly replace all underline characters with italic in Word? You can get it done according to the following two tricky ways in Word.


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Replace all underline character with italic with Find and Replace

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Step 1:Step 1: Click Home > Replace (Word 2007.2010/2013) & using shortcuts Ctrl + H to launch the Find and Replace dialog;

Step 2: click More button to bring up Search option.

Step 3: put the cursor in Find What box, click Font from Format drop-down list to select the Underline style and Underline color

Step 4: put the cursor in Replace With box, click Font from Format drop-down list to select Italic in the Font style list.

Step 5: click OK>Replace All.


1. Click No Formatting to make sure no formatting information is specified in the Find What box and Replace With box before your operation.

2. This processing just make the text with underline italic, cannot remove underline.

Replace all underline characters with italic with VBA

Alternatively, you also can use VBA to replace underline with Italic. But if you are not good at macro, I do not recommend this method. Do as follows:

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Step 1: Press Alt+F11 to open the VBA window in Word;

Step 2: Click Module in Insert tab, and insert the VBA code into Module window;

Mac Microsoft Underline

The VBA code to replace all underline characters with italic in Word.:

Step 3: Click Run button to apply the VBA code (or press F5);


1. This code is only suit for single underline without color. You can change “wdUnderlineSingle” in the code to fit for other underline styles such as “wdUnderlineDouble” or “wdUnderlineThick”.

2. This code just make the text with underline italic, cannot remove underline.

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Mac Microsoft Underlined

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Underline Latex

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