In one particular workbook, in the Cell Styles section, I can only see 'Custom Styles' and I did not create the hundreds of custome styles now displayed. I've tried to delete many of these custom styles, but the other sections do not reappear.
I am missing the other sections normally available under Cell Styles such as 'Good, Bad and Neutral' and 'Data and Model' and 'titles and Headings' others normally seen.
I need to modify the 'Normal' as I have fallen victim to the bug where Normal has been set as the Long Date Format....
If anyone has any tips as to how I can get this workbook back to displaying all the routine Cell Style choices, I would be greatly appreciative.
I have attached a template of the workbook herein.
Thanks all in advance!
2012-9-26 Excel 2007 - Cell Styles - Normal no longer displayed I've tried to delete many of these custom styles, but the other sections do not reappear. I am missing the other sections normally available under Cell Styles such as 'Good, Bad and Neutral' and 'Data and Model' and 'titles and Headings' others normally seen.