In one particular workbook, in the Cell Styles section, I can only see 'Custom Styles' and I did not create the hundreds of custome styles now displayed. I've tried to delete many of these custom styles, but the other sections do not reappear.
I am missing the other sections normally available under Cell Styles such as 'Good, Bad and Neutral' and 'Data and Model' and 'titles and Headings' others normally seen.
I need to modify the 'Normal' as I have fallen victim to the bug where Normal has been set as the Long Date Format....
If anyone has any tips as to how I can get this workbook back to displaying all the routine Cell Style choices, I would be greatly appreciative.
I have attached a template of the workbook herein.
Thanks all in advance!

2012-9-26  Excel 2007 - Cell Styles - Normal no longer displayed I've tried to delete many of these custom styles, but the other sections do not reappear. I am missing the other sections normally available under Cell Styles such as 'Good, Bad and Neutral' and 'Data and Model' and 'titles and Headings' others normally seen.

Microsoft Attached Files

Neutral Conductor

  • Bad Excel Cell Styles Box.xlsx‎ (205.7 KB, 14 views)