DO NOT mix elements of 3 rd-party teaming solutions with elements of Microsoft's NIC Teaming solution. MAC address use and management. In switch independent / address hash configuration the team will use the MAC address of the primary team member (one selected from the initial set of team members) on outbound traffic. MAC addresses get used.
NIC Teaming is a new feature included in the Windows Server 2012 operating system that allows you to team any two NICs. It doesn’t matter if the NICs are different speeds or from different vendors. Windows Server 2012 will team any two NICs and support for NIC Teaming is completely Microsoft’s responsibility – you don’t have to call the vendor or vendors. This is a feature we’ve been wishing to get for a long time, and now we have it!
Another nice cloud infrastructure related feature is QoS. You can use QoS to shape the bandwidth on your NICs so that you can host multiple traffic types on a NIC and make sure that each traffic type gets the bandwidth it needs. For example, you might have an infrastructure network in your cloud and the infrastructure network hosts cluster/CSV, Live Migration, management and storage traffic. The Windows Server 2012 QoS uses industry standard protocols and will work with your current infrastructure.
The trick is to get NIC Teaming and QoS to work together, especially in a System Center Virtual Machine Manager driven environment. That’s where Kristian Nese, a true VMM Ninja, comes in – in the following article he shows you how to make these technologies work together in SCVMM. Enjoy! –Tom.
This article is reposted from Kristian’s blog. If you would like to see more articles like this, please see Kristian’s siteVirtualization and Some Coffee.
NIC teaming and QoS is a hot topic in these days.
Windows Server 2012 supports NIC teaming out of the box, and this gives us finally some flexible design options when it comes to Hyper-V and Hyper-V Clustering.
In a nutshell, NIC teaming gives us:
NIC Teaming requires at least one single Ethernet network adapter, that can be used for separating traffic that is using VLANs. If you require failover, at least two Ethernet network adapters must be present. Up till 32 NICs is supported in Windows Server 2012 NIC teaming.
The basic algorithms that’s used for NIC teaming is switch-independent mode where the switch doesn’t know or care that the NIC adapter is participating in a team. The NICs in the team can be connected to different switches.
Switch-dependent mode require that all NIC adapters of the team are connected to the same switch. The common choices for switch-dependent mode is Generic or static teaming (IEEE 802.3ad draft v1) that requires configuration on the switch and computer to identify which links form the team. This is a static configuration so there is no additional assistance to detect incorrectly plugged cables or odd behavior.
Dynamic teaming (IEE 802.1ax, LACP) uses the Link Aggregation Control Protocol to dynamically identify links between the switch and the computer, which gives you the opportunity to automatically create the team, as well as reduce and expand the team.
There are two different distributions methods that Windows Server 2012 supports.
Hashing and Hyper-V switch port.
When virtual machines have independent MAC addresses, the MAC address provides the basis for dividing traffic. Since the switch can determine the specific source MAC address is on only one connected network adapter, the switch will be able to balance the load (traffic from the switch to the computer) on multiple links, based on the destination MAC address for the VM.
Hashing algorithm creates a hash based on components of the packet, and assign packets with the hash value to one of the available network adapters. This ensures that packets from the same TCP stream are kept on the network adapter.
Components that can be used as inputs to the hashing functions include the following:
To use NIC teaming in a Hyper-V environment, there are some nice new features available in powershell to separate the traffic with QoS.
More information about this can be found at http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj735302.aspx
The scenario I’ll demonstrate in VMM is using NIC teaming with two 2GBe modules on the server.
System Center Virtual Machine Manager is the management layer for your virtualization hosts, and Service Pack 1 will support management of Hyper-V hosts in Windows Server 2012. This will also include the concept of converged fabric and network virtualization.
The catch is that you must create the team with Virtual Machine Manager. If the team is created outside of VMM, VMM will not be able to import the configuration properly, and reflect the changes you make.
Create LACP trunk on physical switches
Set default VLAN if not 1
Allow required VLANs on trunk
This is the first mandatory step.
1. Create logical networks for all the actual networks you will be using. This means management, cluster, live migration, iSCSI, SMB and so on. Configure sites, VLAN/Subnet and eventually IP Pools for those networks, so that VMM can assign IP addresses to the vNics you will create.
For all your routable networks, configure default gateway, DNS suffix and DNS in the pool.
2. Associate the logical networks with your physical network adapters on your hosts
1. Navigate to VMs and Services within the VMM console
2. Right click on VM Networks and select create VM Networks
3. Assign the VM Network a name, reflecting the actual logical network you are using, available from the drop down list and click next
4. Select No Isolation, since we will be using the actual network as the basis in this configuration
5. Click finish, and repeat the process for every network your will use in your configuration
We will create Native Port Profiles both for the physical NICs used in the team, and the vNics, and group the profiles in a logical switch that we will apply to the hosts.
1. Navigate to Native Port Profiles in Fabric, right click and create new Native Port Profile
2. Select ‘Uplink Port Profile’ first and choose algorithms for configuration and distribution. I will use switch independent and HyperVPort
3. Select the appropriate network sites, and enable network virtualization if that’s a requirement. This will instruct the team that network virtualization should be supported, and enable the network virtualization filter driver on the adapter.
4. Click finish
1. Repeat the process, and create a new Native Port Profile
2. Select ‘Virtual network adapter port profile’ and assign a name. We will repeat this process for every vNIC we will need in our configuration, reflecting the operation we did with VM networks earlier
3. Go through the wizard and select offload settings and security settings for the vNIC you will use for virtual machines, and specify bandwidth (QoS) for the different workloads
Repeat this process for every vNIC
1. We need to classify the different vNICs, so navigate to Port Classification in Fabric, right click, and select ‘Create new Port Classification’.
2. Assign a name and eventually a description.
Repeat this process for every vNIC
The logical switch will group our configuration, and simply the creation of NIC teaming and vNICs on the hosts.
1. In Fabric, right click on Logical Switch, and select ‘Create new Logical Switch’.
2. Assign a name and click next
3. Choose the extensions you want, and click next
4. Specify which uplink profiles that should be available for this logical switch. Here you can decide if the logical switch should support teaming. If so, enable ‘team’ and add the uplink profile you created earlier, and click next.
5. Specify the port classifications for virtual ports part of this logical switch. Add the virtual network adapter port profiles, with their corresponding port classifications you created earlier, in this step of the wizard. Click next and finish.
You have now created a logical switch that you will apply to your Hyper-V hosts
Navigate to your hosts in Fabric, right click and click properties.
1. Navigate to ‘Virtual Switches’ on the left, and click ‘New Virtual Switch’ and select ‘New Logical Switch’.
2. Select the Logical Switch you created earlier in the drop down list, and add the physical adapters that should be joining this team.
3. Click ‘New Virtual Network Adapter’ and give the vNIC a name, select VM Network for connectivity (created earlier), enable VLAN, assign IP configuration (choose static if you want VMM to handle this from the IP pool), and select port profile.
Repeat this process and create a new virtual network adapter for all your vNICs and map them to their corresponding networks and profiles.
If you want to transfer the IP address that's currently used as management IP to a virtual network adapter, remember to mark the option 'This virtual network adapter inherits settings from the physical management adapter'.
Once you have configured this, click ‘OK’ and VMM will create the team and it’s vNICs on the host.
For the management vNIC, you can assign the IP address you are currently using on the physical NIC, and VMM will place this on the vNIC during creation.
You have now created converged fabric using VMM, and enabled your hosts to leverage network virtualization.
I would like to thank Hans Vredevoort for the healthy discussions we're having on the topic, and providing me with insight and tips for the configuration. Hans Vredevoort is a Virtual Machine MVP based in Holland and is one of the most experienced fellow I know when it comes to Fabric (servers, storage and networking). He was formerly a Cluster MVP, but has now devoted his spare time to participate in the VM community. Read his useful blogs at hyper-v.nu
Kristian Nese
Was that great or what? Hope you enjoyed the article and if you have questions or comments, make sure to enter them in the comments box below. Thanks!
Tom Shinder
Principal Knowledge Engineer, SCD iX Solutions Group
Follow me on Twitter:https://twitter.com/tshinder
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It would save you a lot of time and headaches to leave dynamic MAC addressing enabled on the interfaces the server is using if you want NIC teaming to work. When NIC's are teamed for the purpose of load balancing, redundancy, whatever, the MAC address of the NIC team can be different than the MAC addresses of the individual NICs, and when the MAC address statically assigned to a particular interface isn't listening, the switch will drop the frame intended for that MAC.
A word of advice: don't use static MAC addressing across the board; this made me cringe a little. It screws with every device's arp table, creates unnecessary latency and performance issues because switches have no reference to MAC addresses to devices on downstream switches, and causes broadcast storms (which I refer to as an Ethernet stroke). Static MAC addresses for each interface on every switch is micromanaging your network; you're doing the work your switches were designed to do. It's the same thing as setting static IP addresses for all computers and devices in a network; labor that can be better spent on setting up more critical stuff, like network monitoring, and will end up achieving nothing more than what dynamic addressing does.