How to Fix Microsoft Office AutoUpdate for Mac not working. By Andre Da Costa. I’m worse off than I was. I can’t get updates and so I can’t update at all now! Microsoft AutoUpdate for Office for Mac offers incorrect version updates Open Finder and navigate to the /Applications/Microsoft Office 2008 folder. Press the Control key on your keyboard, click the following application names. Locate your Office for Mac 2008 installation media, and re-install.

  1. Microsoft Autoupdate For Mac Isn't Clearing Previous Updates On Ipad
  2. Microsoft Autoupdate For Mac Isn't Clearing Previous Updates Iphone
  3. Microsoft Autoupdate For Mac Isn't Clearing Previous Updates Windows 10
  4. Microsoft Autoupdate For Mac Isn't Clearing Previous Updates Windows 7
  5. Microsoft Autoupdate For Mac Isn't Clearing Previous Updates 2016
  6. Microsoft Autoupdate For Mac Isn't Clearing Previous Updates 2017

To update your Azure Linux Agent on a Linux VM in Azure, you must already have:

  • A running Linux VM in Azure.
  • A connection to that Linux VM using SSH.

You should always check for a package in the Linux distro repository first. It is possible the package available may not be the latest version, however, enabling autoupdate will ensure the Linux Agent will always get the latest update. Should you have issues installing from the package managers, you should seek support from the distro vendor.

Minimum virtual machine agent support in Azure

Verify the Minimum version support for virtual machine agents in Azure before proceeding.

Updating the Azure Linux Agent


Check your current package version

Update package cache

Install the latest package version

Ensure auto update is enabled

Microsoft Autoupdate For Mac Isn't Clearing Previous Updates On Ipad

First, check to see if it is enabled:

Find 'AutoUpdate.Enabled'. If you see this output, it is enabled:

To enable run:

Restart the waagent service

Restart agent for 14.04

Restart agent for 16.04 / 17.04

Red Hat / CentOS


Check your current package version

Check available updates

Install the latest package version

Ensure auto update is enabled

First, check to see if it is enabled:

Find 'AutoUpdate.Enabled'. If you see this output, it is enabled:

To enable run:

Restart the waagent service


Check your current package version

Check available updates

Install the latest package version

Ensure auto update is enabled

First, check to see if it is enabled:

Find 'AutoUpdate.Enabled'. If you see this output, it is enabled:

To enable run:

Restart the waagent service



Check your current package version

Check available updates

The above output will show you if the package is up to date.

Install the latest package version

Ensure auto update is enabled

First, check to see if it is enabled:

Find 'AutoUpdate.Enabled'. If you see this output, it is enabled:

To enable run:

Restart the waagent service


Check your current package version

Microsoft Autoupdate For Mac Isn't Clearing Previous Updates Iphone

Check available updates

In the output from the above, this will show you if the package is up-to-date.

Install the latest package version

Ensure auto update is enabled

First, check to see if it is enabled:

Find 'AutoUpdate.Enabled'. If you see this output, it is enabled:

To enable run:

Restart the waagent service


Debian 7 “Jesse”/ Debian 7 'Stretch'

Check your current package version

Update package cache

Install the latest package version

Enable agent auto update

This version of Debian does not have a version >= 2.0.16, therefore AutoUpdate is not available for it. The output from the above command will show you if the package is up-to-date.

Debian 8 “Jessie” / Debian 9 “Stretch”

Check your current package version

Update package cache

Install the latest package version

Ensure auto update is enabled

First, check to see if it is enabled:

Find 'AutoUpdate.Enabled'. If you see this output, it is enabled:

To enable run:

Oracle Linux 6 and Oracle Linux 7

For Oracle Linux, make sure that the Addons repository is enabled. Choose to edit the file /etc/yum.repos.d/public-yum-ol6.repo(Oracle Linux 6) or /etc/yum.repos.d/public-yum-ol7.repo(Oracle Linux), and change the line enabled=0 to enabled=1 under [ol6_addons] or [ol7_addons] in this file.

Then, to install the latest version of the Azure Linux Agent, type:

If you don't find the add-on repository you can simply add these lines at the end of your .repo file according to your Oracle Linux release:

For Oracle Linux 6 virtual machines:

For Oracle Linux 7 virtual machines:

Then type:

Microsoft Autoupdate For Mac Isn

Typically this is all you need, but if for some reason you need to install it from directly, use the following steps.

Update the Linux Agent when no agent package exists for distribution

Microsoft Autoupdate For Mac Isn't Clearing Previous Updates Windows 10

Microsoft Autoupdate For Mac Isn't Clearing Previous Updates Windows 7

Install wget (there are some distros that don't install it by default, such as Red Hat, CentOS, and Oracle Linux versions 6.4 and 6.5) by typing sudo yum install wget on the command line.

1. Download the latest version

Open the release of Azure Linux Agent in GitHub in a web page, and find out the latest version number. (You can locate your current version by typing waagent --version.)

For version 2.2.x or later, type:

The following line uses version 2.2.0 as an example:

2. Install the Azure Linux Agent


For version 2.2.x, use:

You may need to install the package setuptools first--see here. Then run:

Ensure auto update is enabled

First, check to see if it is enabled:

Find 'AutoUpdate.Enabled'. If you see this output, it is enabled:

To enable run:

3. Restart the waagent service

For most of Linux distros:

For Ubuntu, use:

For CoreOS, use:

4. Confirm the Azure Linux Agent version

For CoreOS, the above command may not work.

Microsoft Autoupdate For Mac Isn't Clearing Previous Updates 2016

You will see that the Azure Linux Agent version has been updated to the new version.

Microsoft Autoupdate For Mac Isn't Clearing Previous Updates 2017

For more information regarding the Azure Linux Agent, see Azure Linux Agent README.